
Nighthawks and A Clean, Well-Lighted Place

"We are of two different kinds,"
 the older waiter said.
"Each night I am reluctant to close up 
because there may be some one who needs the cafe."
"Hombre, there are bodegas open all night long."
"You do not understand. 
This is a clean and pleasant cafe. It is well lighted.
The light is very good and also, now,
 there are shadows of the leaves." 

A Clean, Well-Lighted Place by Ernest Hemingway


Olive & Cherry blossom & Cherry & Rose

- Olive-

Leccino twins



A wanderer : details unknown

 Heart shaped leaf


- Cherry blossom

- Cherry

White hose & Yellow rose


Vermeer, Fernando Pessoa, PEDRO FIGARI

-I really loved.